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What color is a bronze penny?

While regular pennies have a reddish-orange hue, bronze pennies have a rich, brownish color. This unique color is due to the higher copper content in the bronze composition. Bronze pennies were minted from 1909 to 1982, making them a fascinating piece of history for coin collectors. How to tell if a penny is bronze – by weight!

How much do bronze pennies weigh?

Bronze memorial pennies weigh 3.11 grams, while the copper-plated zinc pennies weigh only 2.5 grams. Additionally, bronze pennies will exhibit a distinct reddish-brown color, while the copper-plated zinc ones will have a lighter, more coppery color. Key date pennies are considered rare and valuable due to their limited mintage.

How much is a coin worth?

Coins that are damaged, cleaned, polished or very worn are worth less than the listed prices. For information about specific coin types, click a link below or see FAQ About Coins. For information about grading U.S. coins, see U.S. Coin Grading. $300 – $600. $150 – $300. $5,000 – $30,000. $1000 – $5000. $200 – $1000. $100 – 500. $200 -$2,000.

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